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"Partition" (2010).  The Wall separating Jerusalem from Abu Dis."Enclosure" (2006):  The gate to An Nu'man where residents must pass to go in / out of the village."Bil'in" (2010):  Israeli commander telling me to move at protest against the Wall in Bil'in."Land Day" (2012):  Israeli soldiers readying weaponry against protestors at Qalandia on Land Day."Silenced" (2010).  One of the weekly demonstrations against the Wall in Bil'in.Bil'in" (2010):  One of the weekly demonstrations against the Wall in Bil'in."Land Day" (2012).  "Israeli sharpshooters taking aim at peaceful protesters at Qalandia."Land Day" (2012):  A protestor approaching Israeli soldiers during Land Day protest at Qalandia."Land Day (2012): Israeli soldier about to fire into a house during protest on Land Day."Banality of Evil" (2014).  A Palestinian sweeping up debris in the shadow of the Wall, Ar-Ram."Checkpoint" (2007):  Palestinian woman avoiding looking at Israeli soldier at Huwara checkpoint."Heavens Gate" (2006): Palestinians crossing to Jerusalem from Abu Dis.  The break was later sealed."Arrested" (2005):  Palestinian protestor against the Wall in Ar-Ram beaten and arrested."Monitored" (2010):  Farmers from Jayyous returning to the village in the evening after a day's work"Waiting" (2010):  Young farmer from Jayyous waiting to go back to the village after a day's work."Early Dawn" (2004):  Farmers from Jayyous in early morning going to their land."Shock" (2004):  Tawfiq from Jayyous on discovering his olive trees uprooted by settlers."The Wall" (2004):  The separation of Ar-Ram from Beit Hanina."Dead End" (2004):  Palestinian women walking along the Wall in Abu Dis."Heroines" (2004):  High School Girls in Budrus leading protest march against the Wall.